Amateur Photographer

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Moon

I took these shots in pitch black and through the trees. It's pretty cool how the tree branches came out across the lit full moon. I wish I had a better lense though, so I could have zoomed in even closer.

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Saretta said...

Nice! It's not easy to capture the moon!

Anonymous said...

Cool tree eclipses!

Willy Ashworth said...

Cool! I'm a big fan of the moon. These are great.

Do you have photoshop? You could do wonders with these photos.

Keep snapping!!

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

Thanks everyone! Willy, I don't have photoshop. I just use my eye & Picasa3.

LR Photography said...

An unusual type of shot, indeed end up very good. The tree branches across gave the image different approach in a photographic sense.

Greg Dimitriadis said...

These are great photos. I always overexpose the moon when I try to shoot it...

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

Thank Adrian, thanks Greg! I was just playing around, but it's fun when your play turns out to be half way decent. I appreciate your comments.

Anonymous said...

Those are great! I've tried to do that with my little digital and all I get is a tiny white dot. Those are really cool!


Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

Thanks, Jen!