Amateur Photographer

Monday, March 30, 2009

Springtime in Los Angeles

On a recent trip to Los Angeles, I couldn't resist photographing the beautiful flowers. I don't know what most of them are, I only know that I love them. Please let me know if you know what they are.

1. ?
2. Bird of Paradise
3. ?
4. ?
5. Bird of Paradise
6. ?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun Wall Sculputure

George: "Say goodnight, Gracie"
Gracie: "Goodnight Gracie"

Scoobie Doobie Doo!

It's time to start the music, it's time to light the lights. . .

"Oh, Roooobb"

Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke

Funny Guys

When you go to the academy building in North Hollywood, CA they have all of these wonderful busts and sculptures of old stars outside on the walk. They are really cool. These are just a few of the comedians we saw.

Palm Tree in L.A.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Walk On Venice Beach

I took this picture with my Blackberry because my battery died on my camera. But, I still like the way my friend Jen looks almost silhouetted against the sparkling ocean.

Good Friends and Fun in Los Angeles

I recently went to L.A. to celebrate my best friends birthday. These are just a few shots of some of the fun I had with my friends on the opposite coast.

Me on Venice Beach

My best friend and me at the beach

Record producer, Joey Navarro and Me in the studio

Joey and my best friend, Jen

My three dearest friends in the world! DJ, Me, Jen and Doug


DJ and Me

Jen and Me toasting her birthday

Doug and me sending Jen birthday kisses

Jen and DJ

At the birthday dinner

Parker and Me

A Blackberry moment

Joey and Me

More birthday celebrating with Alejandro

Casey and Jen

Jen and me at the birthday dinner

Me dancing with Johnny Carson

Joey loving Lucy a little too much!

Lucy scolding Joey.

Joey and Me having fun with Dino